NMapMaker is a tool for normal map generation from photos and other image textures.

>>>NMapMaker Lite Download<<<


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Working with NMapMaker Lite

The program starts up with the following window:

To let the program generate a height map and based on the height map a normal map, click on the button "Open Diffuse/Photo" on the upper left side of the window.

Then choose an image file in the file selection window. The program will generate a height map and a normal map from the selected image using the standard settings for both.

Select a map in the vertically stacked list of images to show it in the 3D texture directly to the right of it.

Using the 3D preview

On the right part of the window, a 3D rendering is shown with the selected photo/diffuse map and the generated normal map applied to a shape. Select another shape at the top of the 3D preview.

You can also change the intensity and colors of the ambient, diffuse and specular contributions of the light source at the top of the preview area...

... and the color of the background at the bottom of the preview area.

To change the intensity of one of the three contributions of the light source, drag the corresponding slider at the top. To change the color of one of the contributions of the light source, click on the corresponding small square with the current color. A dialog is shown which allows you to change the color.

You can rotate the shape in the 3D preview by clicking and/or dragging with the left mouse within the preview area.

Height map generation settings


Sets the channels from the source image to be used to calculate the height map.

  • Red: uses the red channel only
  • Green: uses the green channel only
  • Blue: uses the blue channel only
  • Red+Green average: uses the average of the red and green channels
  • Red+Blue average: uses the average of the red and blue channels
  • Green+Blur average: uses the average of the green and blue channels
  • RGB average: uses the average of all three channels
  • Luminance: uses a weighted average of all three channels

Pre Equalize

Equalized the pixel values before the other operations. This makes sure the full range is used in the subsequent operations.

Invert R/G/B channel

With these, the three source channels can be inverted individually.

Neutral value

Sets the neutral value. The neutral value is used to calculate the height values.

Min Val

Sets the low clipping value for the height map. All values below this setting are clipped to this value.

Max Val

Sets the high clipping value for the height map. All values above this setting are clipped to this value.

Sel. Blur

This switches the selective blur operation on or off.

Sel. Blur Size

This sets the size of the selective blur operation.

Sel. Blur Thresh.

This sets the threshold for the selective blur operation. Pixels will only be filtered if they have a neighbourhood with a difference higher than the threshold.

Post Blur Size

This sets the size of the blur filter.

Post Blur Type

Sets the blur filter type.

  • Gaussian: uses a Gaussian filter for the blur
  • Box: uses a Box filter for the blur
  • Bartlett: uses a Bartlett filter for the blur

Normal map generation settings

Invert X/Y

Inverts the respective axis.


Sets the base elevation in the normal map.


Sets the gain for the normal map calculation.

Blur size

Sets the size of the blur filter.

Blur type

Sets the blur filter type.

  • Gaussian: uses a Gaussian filter for the blur
  • Box: uses a Box filter for the blur
  • Bartlett: uses a Bartlett filter for the blur

Export of generated images

To export the generated height map, right click on it in the vertically stacked list of images and select "Save..." in the context menu.

An "Export Image" dialog is shown. Choose the file to be exported to by clicking the button with the three dots or directly type it into the text box. Export as JPEGs is not supported in the Lite Edition.

To export the generated normal map, right click on it in the vertically stacked list of images and Select "Save..." in the context menu.

An "Export NormalMap" dialog is shown. Choose the file to be exported to by clicking the button with the three dots or directly type it into the text box. Export as JPEGs is not supported in the Lite Edition.

Select the combination of channels you want to export. This setting depends on the further processing of the exported image you do and the handling of normal maps in your engine.

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